mac Néill, Conall Gulban

Birth Name mac Néill, Conall Gulban
Gender male


Conall Gulban of the Cenél Conaill
King of Tirconnall (Donegal)


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death 464      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father mac Echdach, Niall452
Mother ingen Lugaid, Inne390430
    Brother     mac Néill, Fiachu
         mac Néill, Conall Gulban 464
Father mac Echdach, Niall452
         mac Néill, Conall Gulban 464
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Éndae
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Eógan 465
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Coirpre 485 493
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Lóegaire 462
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Maine (Sponsored, None)
    Half-brother     mac Néill, Conall Cremthainne
    Brother     mac Néill, Fiachu


Type Value Notes Sources
Merged Gramps ID I0504


  1. mac Echdach, Niall
    1. ingen Lugaid, Inne
      1. mac Néill, Fiachu
      2. mac Néill, Conall Gulban