Denied the Monarchy by Sedne.
Gold necklaces first worn bynobles. The Monarch of these times was Ollamh Fodhla, pronounced "Ollav Fola". He was celebrated as a philosophical statesman, for his improvements in the science of government, and for the mild and enlightened principles of his policy. He instituted an assembly resembling modern parliments that convened every three years. The poet-historians from all the provinces related all that had happened between assemblies. It was during these assemblies that family genealogies were carefully examined, corrected, and then entered in the national records kept at Tara. These records were of great importance because a man's right of inheritance to property depended on his genealogy. These records were ordered by Fodhla to be 'written' and carefully preserved at Tara. They were added to after each meeting and in King Cormac's time they were named "The Psalter of Tara".
It appears from the ancient chonicles that some form of writing was known in that time. Eithrial, the 11th Monarch, was also credited with writing in his own hand, the history of the Gaels (or Gadelians).