, Tuathal Teachtmar

Birth Name Tuathal Teachtmar
Gender male


1O6th Monarch Slain 1O6 A.D.by his successor, Mal. With the help of his Grandfather, the King of Alba, and his friends, he went into Ireland and after scores of battles, restored the true royal blood and heirs to their respective provincial kingdoms. He imposed a tremendous fine or "eric" upon the province of Leinster for the death of his only two daughters, Fithir and Darina, to be paid forever to the Monarchs of Ireland. This fine was collected each year through the reigns of forty Monarchs, sometimes by sword and fire, until at last remitted at the pleading of St. Moling. Tuathal married Baine, dau. of Sgaile Balbh, King of England.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death 106   Slain 1O6 A.D.by his successor, Mal  
Nobility Title     106th Monarch  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father , Fiacha Fionn Ola56
Mother , Eithne
         , Tuathal Teachtmar 106


Family of , Tuathal Teachtmar and , Baine

Unknown Partner , Baine ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
, Fedhlimdh Rachtmar119
, Fithir
, Darina